If you're interested in discovering how automation can benefit your organization, you can fill out the form below to receive a personalized Enterprise AI Strategy Yield (EASY) report.

 After submitting the form, our digital worker will analyze your organization's data and compare it to relevant data from McKinsey Global Institute, EY, and Lydonia. The report you receive will be customized to your organization and will detail the potential cost savings you can achieve through implementing an AI strategy.

The EASY Report will show you:
  • How much your workforce is costing in manual hours, by line of business
  • What percentage of your manual work is actually automatable
  • The annual savings you can expect from an Enterprise AI Strategy with Lydonia
  • We’ll even include potential automation use cases based on lines of business
Your manual dollars at work-2

Your Manual Work
The EASY Report will give you an idea of how much manual work your employees are bogged down with each year.


Automation Potential 3

Your AI Potential
Next, the EASY Report can give you an idea of your AI Potential based on your own data. 

Finance Example

AI by
Line of Business
Finally, we will show you how much you can save through AI, by Line of Business.